Thursday, September 24, 2015

When i was young,i was not satify with my height . I am always shorter than my friends. Furthermore, i am not only short, but also fat 😄. When i go with my best friend, my friends usualy call us as a number "10"😭😭😭 , for my best friend is tall and thin.
Therefore, i tried to play basketball to be taller. However, i gave it up, for i was not insterest in sport.
 Now, if i have to choose between 3 or 8 feet, i definitely choose 8feet. Due to i hate highheels, i wanna be taller. I love sportshoes even though i don't like sport, and i love flipflops because of its comforts. Hence, that is the only one reason for me to be taller.
Nevertheless, in reality, my current height is 5"2. Im pleasant with that. I just wanna lose weight 😝😝

Friday, September 18, 2015

My Birthday

My birthday is in November, when is in the rainy season. Therefore, that may causes a reason that I am easy to cry ;). I cried even when my friends had prepared a surprise birthday party for me that happened in my 21th birthday. As the same with Professor May, I always wait for my coming birthdays, for I am inquisitive what special things will come to me in my day ??? . In the past, it was an expected day because in the birthday party , I had many gifts from my friends and my family ;))) . For recent year, i don’t celebrate my birthday with friends anymore but I just celebrate with my  family with a small and warm party. Next birthday, it will be the 1st birthday without family. Hence, i maybe celebrate my birthday with my best friend who has the same birthday to me, for we dont have our own family here as well as many friends.  Luckily, our birthday will be on  Thank Giving' s Celebration, so we plan going to Disneyland and have a small party.