Saturday, October 24, 2015

For me,family is my happinest. i always obey them and follow their decision because wherever i go and whatever i do ,i just need their supporting. It makes me happy to do it well.
Everyday, i smile whenever i see my niece and nephew through facetime.
Besides that, i love shopping, so if i can buy the things i want ,it really makes me happy the whole day.

When i am sad, i go shopping to relase my sadness. However, that also is my negative point, due to i can not control myself for shopping when i am in unhappy emotion. I am now trying to fix that. :)


  1. Your niece and nephew are sooooooo cute, and I glad know that you are happy with your family decision. They always give you good wishes. :)

  2. Oh my goodness!!! Your niece and nephew are SO cute!!!!! I understand what you mean when you smile when you FAcetime with them. I feel the same way when I Facetime with my daughter. :)
